2023 SCBA Annual BBQ party

Date: Aug 19th, 2023, Saturday,10 am-2 pm
Location: Mathews Beach Park (5100 NE 93rd St, Seattle, WA 98115)
Fee: Registered members: Free
Family members of registered members: $5
Unregistered members: $10
Kids under 12-year-old: Free

In order to better prepare for this picnic gathering and ensure that everyone has enough food, we kindly request that you pre-register online before August 12th, 2023, at the following website: http://scbahome.org/2023-scba-annual-bbq-party-registration
Please indicate the number of people who will be attending the barbecue event (number of adults and number of children above 12).

To register for active members, please use the link below:

2023 SCBA-SinoBiological Young Investigator Awards Announcement


SCBA-SinoBiological Young Investigator Awards are co-sponsored by the Seattle Chinese Biomedical Association (SCBA) and Sino Biological (Biotechnology company).

SCBA (http://scbahome.org/) is a volunteer run non-profit 501(C)(3) organization founded in 1993 in Seattle. SCBA strives to provide a forum for the exchange of information related to life sciences and the Chinese community in the great Seattle area.

Sino Biological (https://www.sinobiological.com/) is an internationally recognized reagent supplier and service provider specialized in recombinant protein production and antibody development. The company’s ever-growing portfolio of products includes recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies, ELISA assay kits, expression clones, cell culture media, and other molecular biology tools.

SCBA-SinoBiological Young Investigator Awards are established to recognize early-career SCBA members in Washington State who have made significant contributions to their respective biomedical research fields. The Awards also value individuals who are committed to making contributions to the SCBA seminars and/or annual meetings.

This year we only accept self-nominations, which means all applicants need to complete an online application process before the indicated deadline. Review processes will take place every year prior to the SCBA annual meeting. Awardees will be invited to present their research in one of SCBA regular seminars or annual meeting either online or in person.

Eligibility Requirements

1) The applicants must be young investigators in their early career as a student pursuing a terminal degree, a postdoctoral fellow, a non-tenured assistant professor within 5 years of starting the faculty position, or a PhD scientist in industry with less than 5 years of experience.

2) The applicant has made significant contribution to their biomedical research field or demonstrated great potential as a graduate student.

3) The applicant is a current SCBA member.

4) The applicant is currently studying or working in Washington State.

Application Procedure

1) Fill out the online form, which includes several short-response questions or essays.

2) Upload a short description of your research and contribution to the field in PDF. This document should be no more than 1 page (plus references if applicable) (font size 11 point or larger, 1’’ or more margin). The document should be in English. Please do not include any proprietary information.

3) Upload your resume/CV or NIH BioSketch in PDF.

4) One recommendation letter is desired but not required. The letter can either be sent directly to scbaaward@gmail.com (with award type and applicant name in subject line) or uploaded along with the application.

5) Please submit your application no later than September 30th, 2023.

Review Process

All applications will be reviewed by a professional review panel consists of experts from both academia and industry. Each application will be scored by all reviewers and ranked, and top candidates will be selected for awards.

Award types, Announcement, and Presentation

Depending on the applicant pool, there will be 1-2 awards in each of the four categories (student, postdoc, industrial scientist and junior faculty). The number of awards in each category will be ultimately determined by the number and credential of respective applicants. Each award will consist of a plaque and an honorarium of $500. The awards will be announced prior to SCBA annual meetings (Oct-Dec). Awardees will be invited to give a presentation of their work in SCBA seminars or annul meetings.

For any questions, please send email to scbaaward@gmail.com.



Flyer in PDF

时间:2023年3月20 日星期一晚上七点到九点(太平洋时间夏时制)
地点: VooV Meeting(腾讯会议)会议号:985-999-707
会议链接:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/AtEYCNBcDff3 (会议软件下载地址:https://voovmeeting.com/download-center.html)

1. Computational Design of Transmembrane Channels and Beyond


徐纯福博士毕业于美国埃默里大学化学系,之后加入华盛顿大学David Baker教授课题组进行博士后研究工作,主攻蛋白质计算设计。在具有全新结构的蛋白质设计方法的开发和功能性蛋白质的从头设计等方面已发表多篇学术论文并被广泛引用,包括在Nature和Science等杂志上发表第一或共同第一作者论文。作为发明人共申请两项国际专利,其中一项已发布并转让给多家生物医药公司。开发的参数化α螺旋蛋白质设计方法(Science 2014)引领了领域科学进展,之后同行应用此方法有多篇论文在顶级杂志上发表,且直接推动了一家美国初创公司的建立。跨膜蛋白孔的成功设计(Nature 2020)开启了膜蛋白设计新纪元。近期的主要研究方向包括:基于深度学习的蛋白质计算设计方法的开发及其在生物医药以及环境与能源领域的应用。

2. Understanding adaptive traits and neurological disease in primate evolution with long-read sequencing


毛亚飞博士本科2014年毕业于南京大学生命科学学院。后于日本冲绳科学技术大学院大学攻读博士学位,师从Noriyuki Satoh教授(日本紫绶褒章获得者)和Evan P. Economo教授(现任哈佛研究员)。毕业后于2019年加入华盛顿大学Evan E. Eichler教授(美国科学院和医学院院士)实验室进行博士后研究。毛亚飞博士的研究方向主要是结构变异和进化历程在适应性演化和人类脑疾病中的生物学机制。主要研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者发表在Nature, Nature Methods, Current Biology等杂志上,受到同行的广泛关注和引用。目前担任BMC Biology编委和eLife青年审稿库成员,参与多个国内外人类/灵长类泛基因组联盟计划。
