SCBA 2018 Summer BBQ Announcement

SCBA 二零一八年夏季烧烤聚会通知
Annual BBQ Picnic Party 2018
地点:西雅图 Mathews Beach Park
地址:5100 NE 93rd St, Seattle, WA 98115
费用:Active 会员免费;Active 会员直系家属每人5美元;

前发信至 登记,注明你的家庭会有多少人参加烧烤聚会(成人与儿童
人数)。报名者将会收到协会的PayPal Invoice Email,请按照Email 提示的方法在
2018 年8 月2 日之前预付适当的费用,登记方正式有效。谢谢!


1. Active 会员是指在2017 年协会年会上及之后缴纳过会费的会员以及终身会员。Active 会员登记时须提
供姓名。若登记后因故不能参加聚会,务必于8 月3 日之前取消登记。如果您不是会员但希望成为
Active 会员,请点击以下链接缴纳会员费。
2. 届时Mathews Beach Park停车场以及附近街道都可以免费停车。
3. 如果您对这次活动有任何问题,请与邵保海(联系。



翘首以待的西雅图华人生物医学协会2017年年会将于10月29日在华盛顿大学基因组科学楼 Foege-060演讲厅举行。本次年会我们荣幸邀请到四位在学术界及工业界颇具造诣的研究 人员作大会报告。他们分别是:1,年会的主旨演讲人、美国医学与生物工程院研究员、 华盛顿大学放射系与生物工程系教授、血管壁成像实验室与生物分子影像中心主任苑纯博 士,报告题目“磁共振血管壁成像 – 临床与基础医学上的应用”;2,美国医学与生物工程院 研究员、华盛顿大学生物工程系教授高虓虎博士,报告题目“癌症分子成像与诊断 ”;3,西雅图EpiThany公司创始人兼总裁威廉·瓦特博士,报告题目“一型T辅助细胞 (Th1)表位疫苗作为癌症免疫治疗组合之关键”;4,华盛顿大学药学系穆庆鑫博士,报 告题目“用于癌症治疗的多功能纳米颗粒”。与历届年会一样,本次年会必将是大西雅图 地区华人生物医学学者们齐聚一堂、交流学术心得、寻求合作机会和推动科研发展的又一 次盛会。协会热诚欢迎各界关注生物医学的人士届时光临。

年会时间:2017年10月29日(星期日) 下午1点,会员签到与注册;1点半至六点,大会报告;六点起,晚餐与社交。

年会地点: UW Genome Sciences Building Foege 060, 3720 15th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105。届时会场附近的华盛顿大学 S1 停车场以及其它停车场均可免费停车。

年会费用:普通会员费,15美元;学生会员费,10美元;终身会员费,150美元。 请有意参加2017年协会年会的会员与朋友,在10月25日前注册报名并缴纳会员费



SCBA Invitational Lecture and Round Table Discussion Guest – Dr. Rui-Ping Xiao 特邀讲座与座谈会 (北京大学肖瑞平教授)

When: Saturday July 8, 2017; starting from 7:00 PM
Where: UW Medical Campus, Room HSB K-450
Address: 1959 NE Pacific St., Seattle, WA 98195

MG53 and CardioMetabolic Disease (MG53 与心脏代谢疾病)

By Rui-Ping Xiao, MD, PhD (肖瑞平教授)
Senior Investigator and Director, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Peking University

After the lecture, Dr. Xiao will discuss with the SCBA members on the research environment in China, the development opportunities
of returning to China for different levels of researchers, and other research and career-related topics.

Please note: The Health Science Building is locked on Saturdays. If you do not have an access to the building, please arrive at
the UW Rotunda southern entrance (the side closer to the canal and UW S1 Parking Lot) between 6:45 PM and 7:00 PM. A member will
let you get into the building and lead you to the Room K-450.

We look forward to seeing you at the Invitational Lecture and the Round Table Discussion!

Academic Seminar in June 2017

When: Saturday June 3, 2017; starting from 7:00 PM

Where: UW Health Science Building Room K-450 (1959 NE Pacific St. Seattle, WA 98195)

1. Development, Understanding, and Applications of Carbon Materials
By Guozhong Cao, PhD (Boeing-Steiner Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Department of Chemical Engineering, UW)

2. Gut Microbiome: A Novel Regulator at the Interface between Xenobiotic and Intermediary Metabolism
By Julia Yue Cui, PhD, DABT (Sheldon D. Murphy Endowed Chair in Toxicology and Environmental Health, Department of Environmental and Occupational
Health Sciences, UW)

Please note: The Health Science Building is locked on Saturdays. If you do not have an access to the building, please arrive at the UW Rotunda southern
entrance (the side closer to the canal and UW S1 Parking Lot) between 6:45 PM and 7:00 PM. A member will let you get into the building and lead you to
the Room K-450.

We look forward to seeing you at the seminar!

Seattle Chinese Biomedical Association 二零一七年二月份特别学术活动通知 Special Academic Seminar in February 2017

When: February 25th, 2017 (Saturday), starting from 1:30 pm
Where: Westin Bellevue (600 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue, WA 98004)
What: four topics
1. Towards Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, and Participatory (P4)
2. Deconstructing and Reconstructing Neural Network
3. Advances in Cancer Therapy with Antibody Technology
4. Imaging-guided nanoparticles for cancer diagnostics and treatment

时间:2017 年2 月25 日(星期六)下午1:30 – 4:00
内容:Asian American Engineer of the Year (AAEOY) Award and conference Seminar
地点:Westin Bellevue, Washington (600 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue, WA 98004)
作为主要协办单位之一,西雅图华人生物医学协会将参与全美亚裔工程师协会 2017年年会,并被邀请主持一个专题讲座:Track 4, Biomedicine and Biotechnology,请感兴趣的会员与朋友自由积极参加。

SCBA BBQ Party on Sunday July 24, 2016

Dear members and friends,

It’s the most wonderful time of the year in Seattle again. Our traditional SCBA annual summer BBQ picnic party is just around the corner. We would like to invite all of you to join us so new and old members can get together,
relax, and socialize. Bring your favorite summer sports, share a laugh (or perhaps frustration) with like-minded colleagues and friends, watch kids playing in the water, and savor the gourmet food personally served by your
favorite board members, all in a convenient and lovely setting by Lake Washington!

When: July 24th, 2016 (Sunday), 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Where: Mathews Beach Park (5100 NE 93rd St, Seattle 98115)

Fee: $10 for each adult, $5 for each child (above 10) and free for kids (10 and under)

In order to better prepare the event and to make sure we will have enough food, please reply by July 20th, 2016 to and indicate how many people from your family will be attending:

Number of adults___, children___, and kids___

If you have any questions, please contact Baohai Shao (

Thanks for your cooperation and we look forward to seeing you all.

Best regards,

Seattle Chinese Biomedical Association

Seattle Chinese Biomedical Association 二零一六年五月份学术活动通知 Academic Seminar in May 2016

时间:2016 年5 月28 日(星期六)晚上7:00 起
地点:华盛顿大学医学院K-450 会议室(1959 NE Pacific Street, Seattle, WA 98195)

1. 癌症治疗的最新进展和发展方向
Overview of Recent Progresses and Future Directions in Cancer Therapy
高泽人 博士 (Zeren Gao, Ph.D., SystImmune, Inc.)


2. 癌症治疗新进展:免疫检查点抑制剂疗法
Checkpoint Inhibitors in Cancer Treatment
廖新生 博士 (Xinsheng Michael Liao, M.D., Ph.D., Partner Oncology, Inc.)


有关事项: 1. 届时所有华盛顿大学校园内的停车场可以免费停车;
2. 有关本次活动的任何问题请与邵保海(联系。

SCBA Academic Career Panel Discussion Nov 21, 2015

Seattle Chinese Biomedical Association (SCBA) will be hosting a panel discussion on career development:

Path to be a faculty and a successful PI.

When: Nov. 21, 2015, Saturday, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
What: Panel Discussion on Academic Career Development
Where: UW Health Science Building Rm K-450
Address: 1959 NE Pacific Street Seattle 98115
Parking: Free Parking in UW S1 Parking Lot

At current economic and research funding situation, a lot of postdocs and PhD students feel that finding a faculty position and being a successful PI are difficult and challenging. In order to provide assistance and general advice in the academic career development, we have invited several highly successful faculty members in Seattle area to lead the panel discussion. The discussion leaders are at different stages of their career from junior faculty to well established professors. All of them had made very successful transitions from postdocs to faculty and they are extremely successful as PIs.

Career path is always case by case. However, there are many common features on finding a faculty position and on being a well funded PI. The invited discussion leaders will share their successful career stories and experience. They will also give general advice and suggestions. This panel discussion will provide a great chance for postdocs and graduate students to interact with successful PIs and to ask any questions they may have on their career development so they can be more prepared for their future career. The discussion will be especially helpful for those postdocs or PhD students who are planning to go on academic career pathway. Junior faculty will also find the discussion beneficial by hearing the successful stories and suggestions from well established professors.

Invited Panelists:

古良才 博士 Dr. Liangcai Gu, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry & Assistant Professor of Genome Sciences at UW
王 望 博士 Dr. Wang Wang, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine at UW
白继红 博士 Dr. Jihong Bai, Assistant Member at Fred Hutch & Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry at UW
田 强 博士 Dr. Qiang Tian, Affiliate Associate Professor of Medicine at UW & Scientific Director at P4 Medicine Institute
林惠国 博士 Dr. Edward Lin, Associate Member at Fred Hutch & Associate Professor of Medicine at UW
郑 宁 博士 Dr. Ning Zheng, Professor of Pharmacology at UW & Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
许文清 博士 Dr. Wenqing Xu, Professor of Biological Structure at UW

Registration is not required but RSVP to is highly appreciated.

Best Regards,

SCBA office


Up coming SCBA annual meeting, September 13th 2015

Featured Keynote speaker:
Dr Xiaodong Wang (王晓东 院士)
Director, NIBS, Beijing, Member of the National Academy of Sciences USA

Dear SCBA Members and Friends:

Our SCBA All-Members Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, September 13th, 2015 from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM at the UW Genome Sciences Building Room Foege-060.

This year, we have lined up world class speakers from international and local academic and non-profit institutions. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Xiaodong Wang, Director, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, Member of the USA National Academy of Sciences, and member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Wang will talk about “Scientific innovation in China.” In addition, we will have Dr. Nathan Price, associate director of the Institute for Systems Biology and co-founder of Arivale, who will talk about “Scientific wellness and the pioneer-100 project.” Dr. Liangcai Gu, Assistant Professor, UW Biochemistry Department, who will talk about “Molecular interaction sequencing technologies for protein analysis and engineering.” And Dr. Qiang Tian, Scientific Director of the P4 Medicine Institute and Associate Professor, UW School of Medicine, who will talk about “P4Mi disease-wellness initiatives.”

Registration fee is $15 ($10 for students), which covers the annual membership. Free lunch will be provided for SCBA members.

Please RSVP to no later than Sunday, September 6, 2015 so that we can prepare logistics accordingly. Lunch may not be guaranteed without preregistration, so please RSVP today by replying this email!

Best Regards,

SCBA office
