





地点:Fairmont Olympic Hotel

地址:411 University St, Seattle, WA 98101

时间:6:00 PM to 9:00 PM(暂定)



地点:University of Washington SLU Campus Orin Smith Auditorium

地址: 850 Republican St, Seattle WA 98109

时间:9:00 AM to 5:00 PM(暂定)




汪建 博士:华大基因创始人之一,现任华大基因董事长,深圳华大基因研究院名誉院长。(10月6日庆祝晚宴主题演讲人)

王晓东 博士:Xiaodong Wang, PhD: Director and Investigator, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing (NIBS); Member of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 北京生命科学研究所所长;百济神州(北京)生物科技有限公司创始人;美国国家科学院院士;中国科学院外籍院士。(10月7日庆祝年会主旨演讲人)

董晨 博士:清华大学医学院教授,现任清华大学医学院院长;清华大学生命科学及医学研究院副院长;清华大学免疫学研究所所长;清华大学生命联合中心副主任。美国科学促进会会士。(10月7日庆祝年会演讲人之一)

李凌衡 博士:Linheng Li, Ph.D.: Professor, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, The University of Kansas School of Medicine; Co-leader, Cancer Biology, The University of Kansas Cancer Center. (10月7日庆祝年会演讲人之一)

刘善虑 博士:Shan-Lu Liu, MD, PhD: Professor, Director – Viruses and Emerging Pathogens Program, Infectious Disease Institute, Graduate Faculty, The Ohio State University College of Medicine(10月7日庆祝年会演讲人之一)

郑宁博士:Ning Zheng, Ph.D, Professor, Investigator of Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Pharmacology, University of Washington(10月7日庆祝年会演讲人之一)

Leroy Hood, MD, PhD: Chief Strategy Officer, Co-founder and Professor, Institute for Systems Biology (ISB); Senior Vice President and Chief Science Officer, Providence St. Joseph Health; Founder and Board Chair, P4 Medicine Institute. 美国国家科学院、美国国家工程院与美国国家医学院三院院士(Member of the National Academy of Science, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine).

Mauricio Flores, J.D.: Executive Director, P4 Medicine Institute.





  1. Swedish Hospital: $6000 (已到账)
  2. 华大基因(BGI):$5000
  3. 华州医师协会:$3000
  4. 王晓东:$3000(个人)
  5. Jody Li: $3000(个人)
  6. Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in San Francisco: $???





于军 博士:Jun Yu, PhD,中国科学院北京基因组研究所研究员,中国遗传学会常务理事、基因组学分会主任


苑纯 博士:Chun Yuan, PhD, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) Fellow, Professor of Radiology and Bioengineering, Director of the Bio-Molecular Imaging Center (BMIC), University of Washington


Ana Mari Cauce, PhD, Professor, President, University of Washington


Mary-Claire King, PhD, Professor of Medical Genetics and Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Member of the National Academy of Medicine


Lee Hartwell, PhD, President and director emeritus, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Professor of genome sciences and adjunct professor of medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Nobel Laureate (Physiology or Medicine, 2001)


Thomas Brown, MD, MBA, Executive Director, Swedish Cancer Institute and Co-Chair, Cancer Leadership Council for Providence Health & Services


Jenny A. Durkan, Mayor of Seattle


Edmond H. Fischer, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry, University of Washington, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Nobel Laureate (Physiology or Medicine, 1992)


William A. Catterall, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmacology, University of Washington, Member of the National Academy of Sciences


David Baker, PhD, Head of the Institute for Protein Design, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Washington, Member of National Academy of Sciences, Investigator of Howard Hughes Medical Institute



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