2022 SCBA-SinoBiological Young Investigator Awardees

SCBA is very pleased to announce the 5 recipients of the 2022 SCBA-SinoBiological Young Investigator Awards (Awards).

The Awards are co-sponsored by the Seattle Chinese Biomedical Association (SCBA) and Sino Biological (Biotechnology company) and are established to recognize early-career SCBA members in Washington State who have made significant contributions to their respective biomedical research fields. The Awards also value individuals who are committed to making contributions to the SCBA seminars and/or annual meetings. Each award will consist of a certificate and an honorarium of $500.

The names of 5 recipients of the 2022 Awards are listed below:

Category Name Institution
Junior Faculty Shen Ren (任莘) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seattle University & Center for Cryo-Biomedical Engineering and Artificial Organs, University of Washington
Junior Faculty Pei Wang(王沛) Mitochondria and Metabolism Center (MMC), University of Washington
Postdoc Gang Li(李罡) Department of Genome Sciences & eScience Institute, University of Washington
Postdoc Ting Wang(王婷) Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, University of Washington
Student Wei Chen (陈威) Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington

SCBA 25-Year Anniversary Gala Opening Speech-Qiang TIAN

SCBA 25-Year Anniversary Gala Opening Speech

Qiang TIAN


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the Seattle Chinese Biomedical Association!

Today is a very special day. 25 years ago in 1993, SCBA was founded out of University of Washington. I want you ALL to take a brief moment to recollect, what was happening in your life in 1993, when Google was not even a word, iPhone was just a science fiction, and Amazon was meant to be a river in South America. I will give you a few vignettes to put people in this room into perspective:

  • The Human Genome Project was just launched;
  • The movie “Sleepless in Seattle” was released;
  • Bill Gates attracted Lee Hood from CalTech to Seattle, to start Molecular Biotechnology at UW;
  • WANG Xiaodong was a postdoc with Joe Goldstein and Michael Brown, just purified the famous SREBP family of membrane-bound transcription factors;
  • DONG Chen started his PhD in immunology with Max Cooper at Alabama;
  • I was finishing up my Medical School in China and getting ready for graduate school at Michigan State;
  • Right here in Seattle, a group of fearless Chinese Scholars WANG Jian, YU Jun, HUANG Jieyu, and a few others, they got together and decided to start an academic gathering which later became known as SCBA. The mission was to bridge and promote biomedical research among Chinese researchers.

25 years could span the entire career for many. SCBA is a perfect lens to see through a generation of overseas Chinese scholars, as they train, work, struggle, survive, and thrive in both US and China. What they have accomplished are mind-boggling. I will share a few exemplars with you:

  • WANG Jian and YU Jun co-founded BGI, which became a global powerhouse in genomics. BGI went public last year, and Mr. Wang is among the most successful entrepreneurs in China.
  • WANG Xiaodong’s research on Apoptosis was so successful, he became the first overseas Chinese scholar (since the 80s) to be elected into the US National Academy of Science at the young age of 41. To give you some context, there are over 6 millions of overseas Chinese scholars to date. He later co-founded the National Institute for Biological Sciences in Beijing (a huge success of course), and a Global Biopharma Company BeiGene. BeiGene went public on NASDAQ and HK last year, the market cap is over 20 Billion Dollars. [Yes, He is a Billionaire indeed ☺]
  • DONG Chen, also known as Mr. Th17, a former UW professor of Immunology and a collaborator of mine for over 15 years. Seems that he only publishes on CNS (Cell/Nature/Science). His papers have been cited for over 37,000 times. He is currently Dean of Medical School at Tsinghua University, arguably the best University in China.
  • There are many more inspiring stories from our SCBA members, about 1000 of them. Professors XU Wenqing, ZHENG Ning, GAO Dayong, LI Linheng, LIU Shanlv, MU Hua, just to name a few. You will have a chance to hear their fascinating stories tomorrow!

I want to stress that a humble non-profit like SCBA, has made a lasting impact in the global biomedical enterprise. I’m so thrilled that these distinguished alumni have come back and join us tonight. There are so much to celebrate: ones’ career, ones’ life. And tonight, they all belong to SCBA.

I’m so proud to be a part of, and to have led this extraordinary organization. Our mission will continue; our future is bright–knowingly the path will be strenuous. But I am determined, and I am optimistic.

I want to thank every one of you, for being here tonight, for all your supports over the years. Especially, my mentor of lifetime, Dr. Lee Hood; colleagues from UW, ISB, P4Medicine Institute, Swedish, Providence and Fred Hutch; my fellow board members, physicians, industrial leaders, and all the generous sponsors who have made the celebration tonight possible.

I implore to you all, let’s work together to weather all the difficult climates, naturally and politically, for a better and healthier world!

“China Meets Seattle, Sleepless One More Night!”. Let’s Celebrate and Have Some Fun!  Thank You!



庆典假座古色古香、位于华盛顿大学旧址的Fairmont Olympic 宾馆举行。10月6日下午三点半,理事长田强的致词拉开了庆典的序幕。两位协会创始人、华大基因董事长汪建和中科院北京基因组研究所于军,分别以“生命时代的奇点正在来临”和“揭示微观生物圈奥秘”为题发表学术演讲。随后,五位荣誉理事于军、汪建、黄解于、杨展涛与刘善虑深情回忆了协会历史。“荣誉理事”是协会的最高荣誉称号,授予对协会发展做出重大贡献的理事。这次庆典,还授予五位理事许文清、郑宁、叶晓岚、田强与陈迎章杰出服务奖,他们为协会义务服务了十年以上,获奖人也在庆典上发表了热情感言。晚上,140位与协会关系密切的中外来宾出席了盛大的晚宴;晚宴由理事会成员安杰、何雷联袂主持。晚宴开始,协会联合创始人汪建作主题演讲,随后美国国家科学院院士Leroy Hood和王晓东,中国驻旧金山总领馆科技参赞祝学华,华盛顿大学医学院国际部主任Jody Li等各方来宾纷纷向协会表达热情洋溢的祝贺。席间还举行了荣誉理事授衔与杰出服务奖授奖仪式。小乐队的演奏更为晚宴增添不少喜庆的气氛。

第二天的年会在华盛顿大学南联合湖校区Orin Smith演讲大厅召开。大会由秘书长邵保海主持。理事长田强致词后,协会学术顾问、美国国家科学院院士、中国科学院外籍院士王晓东发表了题为“疾病和衰老过程中的程序性细胞死亡”的主旨演讲。本次喜庆的年会还邀请了六位在生物医学多个领域极富盛名的学者专家作学术报告,讲题涵盖信号通路与结构、对抗炎症与癌症、病毒与宿主、干细胞与免疫、细胞和器官冷冻,以及转化医学等。值得一提的是,这六位学者专家都是协会的老会员、终身会员。他们是:清华大学医学院院长董晨,华盛顿大学医学院教授许文清,俄亥俄州立大学医学院教授刘善虑,国际低温生物学与医学学会主席、华盛顿大学教授高大勇,斯塔沃斯医学研究所教授李凌衡,以及先声药业集团首席科学官牟骅。一个个精彩的演讲赢得意犹不尽的讨论,构筑了一场学术盛宴。学术报告之后,理事长向会员报告年度工作;大会还通过了修改的协会章程和选举产生了四位新的理事。年会在热烈的掌声中降下帷幕。



The New SCBA Board members were elected

December 8th, 2014.

Current Board Members and devision:

President: 林惠国 (Edward LIN)

Secretary-General (秘书长):邵保海 (Baohai SHAO)

Deputy Secretary (副秘书长):李沫 (Mo LI)

Honorary Members (荣誉理事): 于军 (Jun YU), 黄解于 (Jieyu HUANG)

Board Members (理事): 田强 (Qiang TIAN), 郑宁 (Ning ZHENG), 许文清 (Wenqing XU), 杨展涛 (Zhangtao YANG),

叶晓岚 (Xiaolan YE), 方向东 (Xiangdong FANG), 陈迎章 (Yingzhang CHEN). 刘燕 (Yan LIU), 王昊 (Hao WANG),

王文斌 (Wenbin WANG),许文峰 (Wenfeng XU)

2014 SCBA All-Member Meeting

November 1st, 2014 SCBA All-Member Meeting was held from 1:30pm to 6:00pm, at the UW Genome Sciences Building (Foege-060).

In this annual meeting, the world class speakers from local academic and non-profit institutions, as well as biotech industry were invited. The keynote speaker, Dr. William A. Catterall, Professor and Chair of the Department of Pharmacology at University of Washington, and a member of the US National Academy of Science gave an updated view on “Structural and functional studies of the voltage-gated sodium channels”. In addition, we had “2014 Gateway Cancer Researcher of the Year” Dr. Edward H. Lin from UW/FHCRC to share with us his award winning ADAPT trial for advanced colorectal cancer (CRC); Dr. Yiwu He, Associate Director of Translational Sciences from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to discuss vision and strategy for fighting global infectious diseases including Ebola; and Dr. Che-Leung Law, a Senior Director of Seattle Genetics, to talk about industrial perspective of drug development.
The 2014 SCBA All-Member Annual Meeting was launched with a great success. Thanks to all participants!
During the meeting, we will also elect new members to join the SCBA Board.